Kate is wearing a mascara mustache and making 
                        a kissy face at the camera. He's squishing his upper lip together with his fingers.

Write some stuff here that's like, witty and fun in just the right way but not too vulnerable (gross.) Don't reveal too much about yourself, but make yourself sound interesting.

Strike a perfect balance between being honest and mysterious. Explain your art just enough to give people context but not so much that you sound pretentious. Something like, "I make art about the things that interest me, like gender and garbage and sharks." (perfect!)

Make sure people know that you do other things too, like take walks in the sunshine and watch live music and pet your three cats. Be honest about your hobbies but pick the ones that are relatable.

Explain that you do have a day job, because art doesn't pay the bills, and that you expertly walk the tight-rope between being anti-establishment and being able to afford rent. Make sure prospective employers know this won't affect your performance.

Sign off with something short and sweet that perfectly encapsulates your essence. (Nailed it.)

Resume available upon request