Students for Justice in Palestine Iowa City

Wordmark for Students for Justine in Palestine Iowa City. To the left of the text is a circular badge 
                        with a stylized white dove in the middle. The dove's head and wings seperate the circle into three sections, colored 
                        red, black, and green to represent the flag of Palestine. The red section forms a triangle between the dove's 
                        wings, similar to the triangle on the flag. The dove is holding a green olive branch in it's mouth.
Mockup of instagram post on the sjp.iowacity instagram account. The graphic is for an email blast campagin 
                            with the fishnet pattern from the Keffiyeh in the background and an open envelope in the colors of the flag of Palestine. The note 
                            coming out of the envelope reads: 'Email Blast, Nov. 29. Send our demands to your department or college admin with the email 
                            template in our bio! Keep the pressure on the University to break their silence and stand for justice!' The logos for 
                            SJP Iowa City, Shut It Down for Palestine, and University of Iowa White Coats for Black Lives are on the bottom of the envelope. 
                            The caption of the post reads: '!!ACTION ALERT!! On this International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, Email 5...' Mockup of instagram post on the sjp.iowacity instagram account for a Student Solidarity Walkout. It has a black background with a red triangle pointing in from the left side, 
                            like the flag of Palestine. The text for 'Student Solidarity Walkout' is colored black with a white outline, white, and green. The event information 
                            is Friday 11/17 at 2:00 P.M. on the Pentacrest. The SJP Iowa City wordmark and the Shut It Down for Palestine logo are in the bottom corners 
                            of the graphic. The caption reads: 'Our institutions are investing in the genocidal siege of Palestine. Their money, words, and...
First slide of an Instagram deck on Covid Safety. There's a red, white, green, and black image of a person wearing a hat, 
                            glasses, and a kn95 mask on the right side. The text on the left reads: 'NO LIBERATION WITHOUT COVID SAFETY' and tells the reader to swipe left. The SJP Iowa City 
                            logo is in the bottom left corner. Second slide of an Instagram deck on Covid Safety. There's a red, white, green, and black image of the white house across the bottom of the 
                            graphic. The heading reads: 'THE GOVERNMENT LIES TO US'. The text reads: 'State health guidelines around COVID-19 serve profit-driven 
                            capitalist interests over the health and safety of the people. The state's handling of public health is a form of state violence, enacted by 
                            systemically denying us access to the information and resources we need to protect ourselves and each other. It is not a moral failing to be duped 
                            by the government. It is not a moral failing to contract COVID. BUT WE MUST DO WHAT THE GOVERNMENT WILL NOT. WE MUST LOVE EACH OTHER ENOUGH TO PROTECT EACH 
                            OTHER.' In the bottom left is the source, In the bottom right is the SJP Iowa City logo.
Third slide in an Instagram deck on Covid Safety. There's an illustration of the borders of Palestine to the left with the flag overlayed inside. 
                            The heading reads: 'COVID IN THE CONTEXT OF PALESTINE'. The text reads: 'As the so-called state of Israel continues it's onslaught against Gaza, infectious diseases, 
                            INCLUDING RESPIRATORY INFECTION are spreading rapidly. As Gazans face starvation from a manufactured famine, fighting off infection is made even more difficult. 
                            Even before the most current bombardment, the Israeli Health Ministry's COVID-19 vaccine program DENIED VACCINES to almost 5 million Palestinians 
                            living in Gaza and the West Bank.' The sources are cited in the bottom center as and The SJP Iowa City logo is in the bottom right corner. Fourth slide in an Instagram deck on Covid Safety. There's a black, green, white, and red image of a COVID-19 virus on the left side. The heading reads: 'THE TRUTH ABOUT COVID'. 
                            The text reads: 'COVID-19 is not a 'mild' illness. It is not the same as the flu or a cold, even if symptoms are mild or not present. COVID can permanently damage your immune 
                            system, and the effects compound with each reinfection. It is not just those who the government deems 'vulnerable' to COVID who can be disabled by it. WE ARE ALL VULNERABLE TO COVID.' 
                            The source is cited in the bottom left corner. The SJP Iowa City logo is in the bottom right.
Flyer for the People's University for Palestine. It has a red, white, and green gradient background inside a red border, with the event title at the top going outside the borders. 
                        Text reads: 'Stand in solidarity with student encampents & show the Unviersity of Iowa we  won't back down!' The event runs May 3 - 5, Fri. / Sat. / Sun. from 12 - 7 p.m. on the Pentacrest. 
                        There's a green, red, black, and white image of a tent with banners on the front that say 'LET GAZA LIVE' and 'FREE PALESTINE'. The SJP Iowa City logo is in the bottom left corner and there are 
                        three starburst callouts in white, red, and green that say, 'FOOD!', 'ART!', and 'MUSIC & MORE!' Black and white flyer for an art build schedule. The SJP logo is in greyscale in the top left corner next to the title. Text reads: 'Make a wearable or displayable art piece to show your 
                        solidarity with Palestine!' Keffiyeh patterns frame off the event schedule. The schedule reads: '1-2 Block printing and stenciling. 2-2:45 Tatreez Workshop. 2:45-3 Break :) 3-4 Block printing and stenciling. Flyer with the title 'Why Watermelons?' The SJP Iowa City logo is in the top left corner next to the title. The text reads: 'In the face of censorship and laws against displaying the Palestinian flag, 
                        watermelons have become a symbol of Palestinian solidarity because they represent the colors of the flag.' There's a graphic of the Palestinian flag across the bottom of the flyer, and above it a half-circle watermelon 
                        slice. Arrows point between the colors of the flag and the colors of the watermelon.